Yemineni, Nandagopal wrote:
> Hi,
> How to display single record in multiple rows using displaytag.
> I am new to displaytag and I tried a lot,may be it’s a bug.
If you are new to a library it's very rarely going to be a bug in the 
software. It's more likely a bug in your understanding.
> Can anybody suggest me about this.
DisplayTag is designed to display a list of objects not a single 
object's properties.

It will probably be easier to code the table you require yourself. 
Having said that if you are intent on using DisplayTag you could put the 
properties of your object into a List and pass that to DisplayTag:

class LabelValue {
public String label;
public Object value;

public LabelValue(String label, Object value) {
this.label = label;
this.value = value;

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
List list = new List();

list.add(new LabelValue("id", obj.getID());
list.add(new LabelValue("name", obj.getName());


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