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By: chikkubhai

Interestingly my question was already posted sometime in 2006, and is attached
below. And even now, I have the same problem that the Strings in the array are
not displayed, rather its .toString() equivalents are displayed() and all I
see is garbage instead of strings. Any suggestions to this newbie please :

I am trying to display a 2D String array using the display tag. Here is how
I am trying to use it.
String[][] data = String[5][5]; 
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { 
for (int j=0; j<5; j++) { 
data[i][j] = "element " + i + " " + j; 
request.setAttribute("data", data); 
<display:table name="data"/> 
I was expecting to see a 5 by 5 table with the cells populated with the text
in the 2D array. But instead I see a table with 5 rows and each row contains
the toString() representation of a String[].
What is the right way of doing this. Please help. 

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