Jared Blitzstein wrote:
> I'm sorting by a column and in the backend, the list that comes back  
> is in the correct order, such as  {null, 2, 1} for the values in  
> question for descending. But when it hits the front end, it's being  
> displayed as {null, 1, 2} for those fields. It's similar too if there  
> were no nulls, it's sorted in the back as {3, 2, 1} but shows up as  
> {1, 2, 3} on the front. The values for the partial lists are correct  
> in the large scheme of things, but just not displayed correctly on the  
> screen. The column is displaying the correct styling info and is  
> highlighted correctly, so I know it's using that column, but the  
> results on that page are backwards. It's doing this for all my  
> columns. Anyone have any idea what the issue could be?

Do you have the defaultsort or defaultorder attributes set on your 
display:table tag? Is there another process that may be altering the 
order of the list?


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