On  7 May 2003, Dag Wieers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had some troubles compiling some software with distcc and I can't 
> seem to find when and why this happens.
> Since I have it when compiling on a cluster of 2 RH9 distcc nodes and I 
> have it when compiling on a heterogene cluster of a RH73 and a RH9 node.
> (And in this case it works for 2xRH9 and a mixed RH80+RH9) It must be a 
> problem with distcc in some specific cases.
> First an explanation of my setup. I have 2 hosts (lisse and lune). Both 
> are RH9.
>       lisse has 4 chrooted build environments (RH62, RH73, RH80 and 
>       RH9) from which I initiate the builds. lisse has all the 
>       development packages installed, needed for successful compilation.
>       lune is just a desktop (a thinkpad actually) that has the RH 
>       compiler suite installed and runs a distccd permanently. lune 
>       doesn't have any development packages installed.

It looks like the problem is incompatibilities between the different
versions of gcc included in those distributions.  For example, I think
the details of pthread implementation vary, and this is why you're
seeing errors related to pthread compilation.

Mixing versions of gcc is not supported, even though it sometimes

I think you need to install the appropriate compilers onto lune.
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