On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 00:45, Loos Gyula Janos wrote:
> I used nmap in a crontab script to discovery the different machines with 
> distccd daemon, then i put the result in formatted form into a file. By 
> compiling I use a compile script (dmake), that read that file, and the 
> content export into the DISTCC_HOSTS enviroment variable. In an other 
> script I count the volunteers, and dmake use it by -j option.

Do you run that script on every machine then? I compile from different
machines so they should all be aware of it. I thought of the idea of
having my central server performing these searches and the other
machines rsync or scp the ~/.distcc/hosts file to itself. But since
order matters, there would have to be some parsing to make sure that
localhost is always the entry appearing as the first.

Another solution would be to simply put localhost in front of the line
in the hosts file, but then the localhost might appear twice: as
localhost and as the hostname as determined by the (nmap) script. And
the order might be off too:

Gerard Beekmans

// Linux Consultant --- OSDN / DevChannel

// If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem

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