On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 07:18, Phil R Lawrence wrote:
> Hello,
> When I try to emerge using distcc over SSH, it keeps logging me back on and off the 
> other box.  Can you help me find the source of this problem?  My expectation was 
> that I would stay connected to the other box until the emerge was done.  Here is 
> lots of info...  Thanks! :-)
> gcc -march=pentium3 -O3 -pipe -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse,387 -c 
> scsi_interface.c
> me@<snipped>'s password: 

[lots snipped]

You might want to look into adding a passphrased SSH key on your
volunteer machine, and use Keychain[1] (in portage) or plain old
ssh-agent with a passphrased SSH key so you aren't prompted for the
password.  (This is also a technique used with various other projects;
such as OpenMosix monitor tools and Transcode.)

1: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/keychain.xml
<Vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel aequissimo sit potior>

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