On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 14:52:11 -0800
William <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "distcc[13674] (dcc_build_somewhere) Warning: failed to distribute, 
> running locally instead"
> means that distcc wasn't able to get the job over to a remote machine. 
> Ussually it's because it couldn't connect. Make sure you have the daemon 
> running on the remote machine, that you've verified its IP address, and 
> that you typed the IP correctly in the distcc-config --set-hosts "blah" 
> area. If all that is OK, then check any firewalls of sorts you may have.

OK, that was it.  My iptables was fine...  But my server box is in a rather restricted 
part of our network.  Another machine was filtering out my packets.

So...  I made an SSH tunnel from my client to the helper box:
  ssh -N -L 3632:<volunteer>:3632 -l me <volunteer>

changed the client's helper list
  distcc-config --set-hosts ""

set my -j parm to "-j", and went to town!  :-)

This was the best time yet to emerge xlockmore:
real    4m28.409s
user    2m23.640s
sys     1m28.700s

> Also, quick question, how come the volunteer has 2.11.2, 0.0.1 greater 
> than the client, but it's version was accually build earlier in the 
> day??? heh, little odd.
I grabbed the newer one and compiled it myself on the helper (Redhat 7.3) box, whereas 
I used a gentoo ebuild on my laptop.

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