It took me a long time to figure out how to get icc (7.0) to work with
distcc (2.11.2), and it turned out to be a rather silly problem.  I
would get errors on some remote clients that looked like:

icc: error: unable to open 'iccSDFAgas'

The actual problem is that icc likes to create some random little temp
files in the directory in which the build is running (and although icc
*claims* that it uses the TMP environment variable, it seemed to ignore
it for these temp files).  since the daemon is currently run in '/', icc
is unable to create these temp files (depending on the permission of
that dir on different boxes).  it seems to me that this problem can be
fixed in one of two ways (well, intel could fix their compiler...):

1. come up with various scripts that redirect to the actual intel
compiler, and along the way change the current dir if we are in the '/'
dir.  this seems like too much work, for what seems to me to be a simple

2. add on option to distccd for which dir to run the compiler in (or
just use the TMPDIR).

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