
I'm a bit stumped.  I haven't used Distcc in about nine months or so,
and just decided to come back to it as I got a new CPU for my desktop. 
I want to take advantage of it on my laptop, which runs gentoo, and
always compiles things.  :-)

The distcc version I'm using is 2.11.1 on the laptop and 2.11.2 on the
desktop.  I want to use the desktop's CPU to help when I'm compiling
stuff on the laptop.  GCC versions match up at 3.2.3.

I keep running in to problems, though.  As far as I read in the
logfiles, distccd is listening properly on the desktop (duron is its
name), the laptop (dell is its name) sends the files over to be
compiled, the desktop seems to say it is compiling them... but it never
devotes any CPU time to the process and distcc falls back to compiling
on localhost.

I'm a bit stumped, the logs don't seem, to me, to indicate any issues. 
So I put them up on my webserver in hopes somebody here might take the
time to look at them and say, "Oh, of course, he just needs to do this,
that, or the other thing" ...

I looked through the archives and have googled fairly extensively, but
keep coming up with blanks, as I can't even tell what the problem is...

Any thoughts?

Logfiles are at http://rob.axpr.net/distcc-out.log and
http://rob.axpr.net/distccd-out.log ... the distcc one is output from
running distcc outside of portage on a regular compile in Gentoo.  The
distccd log is the output from running on the Slackware 9.1 machine
while the Gentoo box tried to compile....



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