On 16 Nov 2003, Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "Sytze" == Sytze van Koningsveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sytze> Is it possible to use gjc with distcc ? I am looking for a
> Sytze> distributed compiler for java, and this seems the only way to
> Sytze> do it.
> I don't know a whole lot about distcc.  If it has a mode where it
> assumes that all the compilation machines have the same view of the
> filesystem then I'd imagine making it work with gcj should be fairly
> easy.

It does not have that.  It could be added.  I don't personally have
any plans to do it soon, but I'd look favorably on a clean patch that
did it.

Of course it would still be the user's responsibility to make sure the
filesystem was shared and consistent in this way.  This could also be
useful for situations such as profile-guided optimization or
precompiled headers.

(Not requiring that setup for C compilation was the big improvement of
distcc over previous systems.)

> Java isn't like C -- you can't preprocess a java program and end up
> with a single file which can be farmed out for compilation.  A typical
> java compilation will read many .java or .class files, including big
> parts of the standard library.  There's no existing way to put this
> into a single file for environment-independent compilation.

I thought that would be the case.

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