On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 01:19, Bill Chmura wrote:
> Hello any and all,  I've got two or three questions that I have gotten
> either no feedback on, or varied feedback on. 
> #1
> I have been searching hi & lo for a bootable CD that has distcc on it
> and a version of gcc that is the same as what the gentoo 1.4 comes with
> (3.2.3-r3).   I've checked distccKnoppix, Knoppix, Gentoo LiveCD +
> KDE... and so far none are a good match.  Some have an older version of
> gcc, while some have a version that is newer and still listed as being
> in testing on the gentoo site.
> #2
> I have read that the machines doing the compiling should be the same
> architecture and have the same exact gcc compiler.  When it comes to the
> architecture is a p3 considered different than a p4?  Can a P4 compile
> okay for a p3 machine?  Can a Celeron compile for a p3?  Is there a rule
> of thumb?
> #3
> Can slave machines drop out of the system when its compiling?  For
> example, if one machine goes down out of six, what happens?  Will it be
> alright (be reassigned to another pc)...
> Any input would be appreciated!

You may want to try out: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34675

You can compile P3 optimized code on a P4, but if I recall correctly,
you can not compile P4 optimized code on a P3 (and likewise for AMD

If a machine fails to complete compilation the master (the one that
issued the remote compilation) will reassign it.  If compilation fails
on all remote hosts the code will be compiled on localhost (Unless

Hope this helps.

<Vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel aequissimo sit potior>

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