On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 15:23, Andrew Walrond wrote:
> I'm running
>       distccd --deamon --user distcc --verbose
> on three machines. When I watch any of their syslogs, I see loads of distcc 
> activity. But running distccmon-text 0.5 on any of the machines justs shows 
> blank lines.
> Any clues why this could be?

Have you tried running distccmon-text from the client side, on the
machine where you're running distcc? It sounds like you're trying to run
it on the server side, where you're running distccd. I've only had
success the other way, running distccmon-text from the client machines.
>From this success I've guessed that distccmon-text is designed to
monitor a build rather than a collection of compile servers.

        Ben Scarlet, distcc newbie

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