On  2 Feb 2004, Dag Wieers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I use DISTCC_LOG, I get much more output than I would like, stuff 
> like:
>       checking errno.h presence... distcc[1897] exec on localhost: 
> i386-redhat-linux-gcc-2.96 -E -I. conftest.c
>       distcc[1897] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.010000s, system 0.000000s, 
> 53 minflt, 245 majflt
>       distcc[1897] compile on localhost completed ok
>       distcc[1897] elapsed compilation time 0.007820s
>       distcc[1897] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.000000 user 0.000000 sys; 
> children: 0.010000 user 0.000000 sysyes
> Where it used to be only one line. Even when I define DISTCC_VERBOSE=0 I 
> get this much output. Is there no way to reduce (or suspend) all output 
> from distcc. To prevent it from contaminating my build environment.


or put the log file in /tmp or something.  (Or write a patch to set
the exact log level, if you're really keen.)


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