On  4 Mar 2004, ????????? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ???
>   Nice to recive your reply???
>   I have used gcc to compile distcc, and got through.
>   But when I tried to compile project with distcc on two hosts???I found distcc 
> didn't work!
>   I took steps on both host , as below???
>   1???install
>   %bunzip2 distcc-2.12.1.tar.bz2
>   % tar -xvf distcc-2.12.1.tar
>   % cd  distcc-2.12.1
>   % configure
>   % make
>   #make install
>   #chown bin /usr/local/bin/distcc*
>   #chgrp bin /usr/local/bin/distcc*
>   % setenv PATH /usr/local/bin:${PATH}
>   % distccd --daemon
>   2???create user "distcc";
>      create file  ~/.distcc/hosts for $HOME of user "distcc", add
>               localhost otherNode 

It should be in your own home.  

>      Add host list;
>      % setenv DISTCC_HOSTS localhost:otherNode

This probably needs to be "localhost othernode"

>  4???update my makefile ???update
>               COMPILER = distcc CC
>     to
>               COMPILER = distcc CC
>     and my makerules is
>              $(COMPILER) $(DEBUG_FLAG) $(CPPFLAGS) $(dir $@)../$(basename $(notdir 
> $@)).cpp -o $@ 2>> errlog
>  5???then I complie  on NodeA
>    % gmake

You need to use -j here.  If you don't, make will only run one job at
a time, and that will always be (in your config) on localhost.

>    I use distccmon-text , the result looks like just one host running.
>     % distccmon-text 2
>          compiling ****.cpp on localhost[0]
>          compiling ****.cpp on localhost[0]
>  My two hosts are 
>       NodeA : SunOS  5.8 Generic_108528-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-60  2 cpu
>       NodeB : SunOS  5.8 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-60 1 cpu
> And log file shows
>      distccd[19253] (dcc_setup_daemon_path) daemon's PATH is /export/home/sybasec/syb
>      ase/ASE-12_0/bin:/export/home/sybasec/sybase/OCS-12_0/bin:/export/home/sybasec/s
>      ybase/ASE-12_0/bin:/export/home/sybasec/sybase/OCS-12_0/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:
>      /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/opt/DSET/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/ccs
>      /bin:.
>      distccd[19253] (dcc_listen_by_addr) listening on
>      distccd[19253] (dcc_standalone_server) 1 CPU online on this server
>      distccd[19253] (dcc_standalone_server) allowing up to 3 active jobs
>      distccd[19254] (dcc_log_daemon_started) preforking daemon started (2.12.1 sparc-
>      sun-solaris2.8, built Mar  3 2004 14:59:09)
> Now I don't know why distcc can not use the other host???are there any tools for 
> debug or trace ???

Yes, lots.  Read reporting-bugs.txt. 

> Thank you and looking for your help!

You're welcome.  Please let me know if it works.


Perl: a language that looks like an explosion in an ASCII factory.
        -- Egg Troll

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