SCHMID Stefan wrote:
i'm using a system of five dual-CPU distcc-hosts for distributed compilation. with all my projects, one additional host is very useful but the third to fifth hardly contribute anything at all. moreover, there is quite some variation in the execution time although all hosts do nothing else besides compilation (maybe because of the sleeping times when hosts are locked?). it is therefore also hard to tell which -j-option is the best for a given number of hosts...

all in all, with 5 hosts (10 cpu's) i hardly get any speedups greater than 2 (compared to one host, i.e. 2 cpu's). do you have an idea where i do something wrong?

my test results (secs for execution) for two projects (see and

Are all 5 hosts equal performance? What kind of systems are they? What does your DISTCC_HOSTS list look like?

Looks like you're using a strange build system written
in Python called SCRAM.  Are you quite sure that's not
the bottleneck?  None of us, I suspect, have ever heard
of it.

Do check out the notes Benjamin Meyer just posted,
- Dan

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