Hi, there

Sun Workshop C compiler use floating licence environment.
once "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" variable got
set in .profile the cc was able to called to compile
c codes.

Giving the successful test result of distcc-1.12.1+gcc-3.3.2 on 
one pair of Sun V240s(ilad2141 and ilad2140), 
I moved on to try distcc-2.12.1+ Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 cc compiler
Sun cc combination. 

I tried adding  "--verbose" to have more clue, but still
don't know how can I pass on license variable.

Things that I have tried.

1. gmake  -j8  CC="distcc cc" LM_LICENSE_FILE="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
   Do I need to modified the makefile of zlib-1.1.4 ?

2. put LM_LICENSE_FILE="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in both root and
   distcc users' .profile. 

Following error messsage is from compiling  zlib-1.1.4.

-xstrconst -xO2 -xtarget=generic -xarch=v8 -c uncompr.c  -KPIC -DPIC -o uncompr.o

License Error : Cannot find license file (/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat)
        for Sun WorkShop Compiler C SPARC

        The product has not been installed properly.
        There are no license files in following path :


Cannot find license file
 The license files (or server network addresses) attempted are
 listed below.  Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,
 or contact your software provider for a license file.
License path:/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
FLEXlm error:-1,359.  System Error: 2    No such file or directory
cc: acomp failed for /tmp/distccd_a534c50a.i
distcc[9056] ERROR: compile on ilad2140 failed with exit code 2

Thanks for your time

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