I've gone and looked a little more deeply into this, and it
looks like the problem is that distccd will only ever listen
on one address, even when multiple --listen addresses are
specified.  I may take a crack at supporting multiple
listen fds unless someone beats me to it...


On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 02:56:07PM -0700, Jeff Rizzo wrote:
> Is this expected behaviour?  I use distcc from NetBSD's
> pkgsrc, which sets --enable-rfc2553 by default.  When
> distccd is run as "distccd --daemon --user nobody",
> distccd seems to *only* be listening on an IPv6
> socket.  I can look a little further into it if
> this is not supposed to be this way...  Things
> seem to work ok if I explicitly set a --listen
> address, but I'd rather not have to ... :)
> This is distcc-2.14.
> Thanks!
> +j
> -- 
> Jeff Rizzo                                         http://boogers.sf.ca.us/~riz
> __ 
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