Hello Sebastien,

THANK YOU VERY MUCH SEBASTIEN!!!! It was the right solution!
On the server side, I have to do "export TMPDIR=c:/temp" and it works!

Unfortunately, if I set TMPDIR to c:/temp in windows environment variables,
it doesn't work because in cygwin TMPDIR is translated to /cygdrive/c/temp.
Then I have to write "by hand" "export TMPDIR=c:/temp" each time before
writing "distccd --daemon". I think I will patch tempfile.c as you

Now I have another problem, that I guess, will be easy to fix. I'm using
Ethereal (a free Ethernet sniffer) to sniff distcc packets (tcp port 3632) ;
then I can see if packets are sent throught the network.

If I set
   export DISTCC_HOSTS=remote_host
then data are sent to my remote host (I seen dumps in ethereal).

If I set
   export DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost remote_host"
I don't see any trace in ethereal (the whole project is compile locally).

If I set
   export DISTCC_HOSTS="remote_host localhost"
then the project seems to be compiled only on the remote host (I see traces
in ethereal and compilation is slow).

If I set
   export DISTCC_HOSTS="invalid_host remote_host"
where invalid_host is an invalid host name, then the project compiles on my
remote host (I see traces in ethereal).

Then it seems that only the first valid host in DISTCC_HOSTS is taken into
account. Did I missed something in the syntax?

Frédéric Paolucci


I set
   export DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost br044test"    (br044test is my remote

Here's the log file for compiling 4 files (a.c, b.c, c.c and d.c) ; note
that "br044test" is never displayed in the log file. It's the same thing if
I compile a big project...
distcc[1504] compile from a.c to a.o
distcc[1504] exec on localhost: tmcc -c a.c -o a.o
distcc[1504] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.015000s, system 0.015000s,
0 minflt, 413 majflt
distcc[1504] compile a.c on localhost completed ok
distcc[1504] elapsed compilation time 0.236000s
distcc[1504] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.015000 user 0.031000 sys;
children: 0.015000 user 0.015000 sys
distcc[1744] compile from b.c to b.o
distcc[1744] exec on localhost: tmcc -c b.c -o b.o
distcc[1744] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.015000s, system 0.031000s,
0 minflt, 413 majflt
distcc[1744] compile b.c on localhost completed ok
distcc[1744] elapsed compilation time 0.199000s
distcc[1744] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.031000 user 0.000000 sys;
children: 0.015000 user 0.031000 sys
distcc[2652] compile from c.c to c.o
distcc[2652] exec on localhost: tmcc -c c.c -o c.o
distcc[2652] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.015000s, system 0.015000s,
0 minflt, 413 majflt
distcc[2652] compile c.c on localhost completed ok
distcc[2652] elapsed compilation time 0.199000s
distcc[2652] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.015000 user 0.031000 sys;
children: 0.015000 user 0.015000 sys
distcc[2376] compile from d.c to d.o
distcc[2376] exec on localhost: tmcc -c d.c -o d.o
distcc[2376] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.015000s, system 0.015000s,
0 minflt, 413 majflt
distcc[2376] compile d.c on localhost completed ok
distcc[2376] elapsed compilation time 0.186000s
distcc[2376] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.031000 user 0.031000 sys;
children: 0.015000 user 0.015000 sys
distcc[2328] (dcc_scan_args) called for link?  i give up
distcc[2328] exec on localhost: tmcc -o prog a.o b.o c.o d.o
distcc[2328] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.015000s, system 0.031000s,
0 minflt, 413 majflt
distcc[2328] compile (null) on localhost completed ok
distcc[2328] elapsed compilation time 0.219000s
distcc[2328] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.015000 user 0.031000 sys;
children: 0.015000 user 0.031000 sys

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