On 16 Sep 2004, Wayne Davison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 10:23:32AM +0200, Marcus Gruendler wrote:
> > A long while ago (~2 years) there was a patch for ccache posted on the
> > distcc mailing list. This patch enabled ccache to use distcc without
> > changing the hash.
> Can't you just use a masquerade-directory setup for distcc and use an
> unchanged ccache?  Just put the ccache masquerade dir prior to the
> distcc masquerade dir in your PATH, and all should be well.  (And
> avoids all the CC environment shenanigans.)

That will have two effects:

1 - using the masquerade directory or not will give different results

2 - ccache won't notice if you update the underlying gcc

Probably the best advice at the moment is to always use both of them.
If you don't want distributed compilation set DISTCC_HOSTS=localhost
and if you don't want caching set CCACHE_DISABLE.  The overhead should
then be pretty low.


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