If you remember, we - 3 guys from Tel-Aviv university - are going to
contribute to distCC as part of our grid-computing workshop.
We considered several ideas, some of which we got from this forum, and
decided we're going to do a Java adaptation for distCC.
Development will start soon, and the first stage will be creating a modified
version of Suns javac which can be used with distCC. The initial version
will determine for each .java file which other source files are needed for
its compilation and basically transmit them all to a volunteer machine were
the source file hierarchy will be reconstructed temporarily.
The next stages will be minimizing what's sent over the net - for instance,
sending skeleton versions of imported .java files, keeping a cache of files
on volunteer machines, etc.
The initial version will be rather crude and we're not sure it will offer a
significant optimization over local compilation, but we do hope that later
improvement will do better. It's crude because of the different nature of
Java compilation: basically, the source file + compiler switches do Not
determine the output of the compiler, as opposed to preprocessed C source
We welcome any and all input from the nice people here at the distCC mailing
list. We'll probably have plenty of technical questions as we go along, so
thanks in advance.
Assaf Lavie

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