On Wednesday 16 March 2005 21:34, Daniel Kegel wrote:
> Zahari Doychev wrote:
> >    Hi all,
> >    I am new to distcc and I am not sure that it is the thing that's right
> > for me.
> >    I have windows box and several linux boxes. I want to write and edit
> > all my code on windows machine and then compile it for one of the linux
> > boxes.
> >    All my programs are targeted to linux. I will appreciate any advise.
> You'd be happier developing on a Linux box, I think,
> because running your builds on Windows will be
> ungodly slow even with distcc.
Nothing is less true. I use both OSes and a Win box compiles almost as fast 
and I've seen cases where it goes faster on a windows box.

I still prefere linux for completeness but I must say windows still beats 
Linux when it come to friendliness of installation etc..

IMO, if you do lots of development, like it's your life to compile stuff, it 
is worth going to linux, otherwise stay confortable.

> As a middle ground, you can ssh to the Linux box
> from your Windows box.  That way you don't need
> to deal with multiple monitors or keyboards.
> Many people use "putty" for this, or you can
> use the xterm and ssh that come with cygwin.
That's what I do at work (I use linux directly at home) I works perfectly, 
putty is nice except you can't scroll up in the terminal one line at the time 
(you'll learn to hate that). Running in cygwin will give you the ability to 
"run" your linux graphical apps on your windows box. cygwin _IS_ slow, I 
timed it to 4 times slower when copying files from boxes. We did lots of 
development in cywin then and we decided to go for a linux/windows solution 
to make thing better and they did get better.

> You *can* share files between Linux and Windows,
> but unless your Windows editor can save files
> in Unix text format, it's more trouble than it's worth.
Works also well, any decent editor will do that.

I've been running that setup  for more than 5 years and it is completely OK 
once you have all the pieces in place.

Cheers, Nadim.
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