dan and martin helpped me build and patch my crosscompiler so that it worked with distcc.  i successfully built it with the stack protection patch and every package ive built so far works, except gkrellm.

> cc -Wall -O2 -I.. `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0`
> -DENABLE_NLS -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" main.o alerts.o
> battery.o base64.o clock.o cpu.o disk.o fs.o hostname.o inet.o mail.o
> mem.o net.o proc.o sensors.o uptime.o chart.o panel.o config.o gui.o
> krell.o plugins.o pixops.o smbdes.o smbencrypt.o smbmd4.o smbutil.o
> client.o utils.o winops-x11.o sysdeps-unix.o deprecated.o md5c.o -o
> gkrellm `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0`  -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lSM -lICE  -lssl -lcrypto -Wl,-E
> main.o(.text+0x90): In function `gkrellm_motion':
> : undefined reference to `gkrellm_winop_flush_motion_events'
> main.o(.text+0x5dd): In function `gkrellm_pack_side_frames':
> : undefined reference to `gkrellm_scale_piximage_to_pixmap'

and it continues with a hundred or so more undefined references.

from the research ive done and the people ive asked, one would expect this to be caused by the code and/or my version of gcc, but i should mention, if i take the cygwin box out of my distcc hosts, it builds successfully.

i have built that package many times in the past using other linux distcc hosts but never had that problem or any problem.

anyway, it doesnt concern me too much, and so far no other package has done anything like this, but i thought you guys should know

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