
just wanted to report that I successfully tried to use distcc together with 
Qt's UIC (User Interface Compiler) and MOC (Meta Object Compiler).

I'm still using Qt 3.3.4, so I can't say anything about the latest version of 
Qt (Qt 4), but expect that the results are the same. Anyway, I don't even 
know if you are familiar with Qt, so I try to explain... UIC and MOC are no 
"real" compilers - or at least they are no C/C++/ObjC compilers - they 
generate C++ code, which afterwards get's compiled with g++ in my case (and 
currently under Solaris 8, btw :).


Assuming that a Qt project file is used (as I normally do), the "trick" is to 
add the following 3 lines to the .pro file before qmake (the Makefile 
generator) is called:

QMAKE_CXX = distcc g++
QMAKE_MOC = distcc $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
QMAKE_UIC = distcc $(QTDIR)/bin/uic

This works fine!

The only minor drawback is that distccmon-text doesn't display these jobs 
correctly. But's that no big deal...

I didn't see a note about UIC and/or MOC mentioned on the project homepage 
(http://distcc.samba.org/compilers.html) so I thought I might just drop you a 

Cheers, René
René Reucher
BATCOM IT Services

Tel: +49 160 94957806
FAX: +49 6359 205423
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