On 14/09/05, George Garvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > At the moment you can kill the main server and wait "long enough" for
> > all the jobs to finish.  Maybe someone could write a patch to make the
> > server wait around for all the children.
>    Sorry Martin. I don't understand what you're responding to. Perhaps
> I miscommunciated, or misunderstood something.

Ah, when I said "you" I really meant the original poster, John Carter.
 He wanted (I think) to avoid lots of messages when shutting down
servers, and I suggested that rather than suppressing the errors, it
would be better to shut down the servers gracefully.

>   I'm a little surprised at needing to parse output from make to
> determine if a build is successful, anyway. That sounds like a
> disaster waiting to happen, and distcc is not the cause: parsing make
> output is. Isn't that what exit codes are for? Sounds like a very
> complicated build process, if it can't rely on make.

I don't understand why you'd need to do that.

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