I'm using distcc from my user account and from different hosts at the same time (crontab driven nightly builds). I use a DISTCC_HOSTS which ressembles "localhost foo bar baz" on host1 (one of the "localhost"s)
and "localhost oof rab zab" on host2 (the other "localhost").
As my home dir is NFS mounted, it seems that the lock files named ~/.distcc/lock/localhost_x are in fact shared by the different hosts when concurrent distcc processes from host1 an host2. This is not dramatic but it has the effect that one of the host (host1) may "under use" it's cpu as it believe that it has already some compilations launched while in fact they run on the other (host2). Moving the DISTCC_DIR to a local area on each host solves the problem but then there is no sharing of the workload anymore which could be useful if some hosts are shared by the concurent builds.

I'm wondering if this should be considered as a bug or not.

           -- Christophe

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