This message is mostly for victor, but feel free to read and comment.

I tested dmucs out. I'm not sure what's going on exactly, I don't know if it's working right or not. I made a hosts-info file, and edited dmucs_hosts_file.h and recompiled.  Maybe dmucs can have a command line option to specify this file instead?

Then I ran dmucs on host a. I had to run loadavg -s localhost (otherwise it would not find the server)  I think this should be the default action, or it should make -s required.  I ran gethost, and it gave me back (using -D flag)  I compiled everything on host b (not bothering to edit any files) and ran loadavg -s other (other resolves to host a)  I then wrote a simple program called roll that puts the cpu in an infinite loop (to consume cpu) and ran it on host b.  Now dmucs and loadavg is running on host a. loadavg and roll is running on host b.  I ran gethost on host b thinking I should not get but instead the hostname or ip of host a since it is idle and host b isn't.  I got  so what did I do wrong?

I have a possible idea, it's not too serious, tell me what you think.  I like the idea of having server (dmucs) and agent (loadavg) the same program.  Now instead of a client-server model, you can build tree-like structures.  This way you can have a dmucs server running for groups of computers this feature might not be needed for most users, but it can be useful for large networks.

Why define a sleep function (it's already there) and instead of sending the load average at an interval of 10 seconds, the load average should update much faster, but only when the rate of change is high.  If dmucs returns a certain hostname to gethost, maybe it should poll that client in a second or so as well.  If everything is idle, no need to say anything.  Getting load average data from the uptime command is not a good idea imho.  I will look into getting this data directly from the kernel, and not averaged data over a period, but immediate data.

Is it true that if you have two 500mhz cpus in a computer and another 1000mhz single cpu the power factor should be 1 for both?  Or shoule the 1000mhz cpu be 2?  I think this should be made clear, and an example hosts-info (with comments) be distributed.

I think this dmucs can do more.  It can be used to distribute environment variables.  Instead of specifying distcc x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc  I could have dmucs set the correct env variables for distcc to do this.  Before this gets too big, we should abstract the possibilites of dmucs (so it will be made in such a way that it can be used with more than just distcc)


On 1/12/06, Victor Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm excited to announce that DMUCS release 0.1 is available on  See for lots of information about how it works, etc.
Download the tarball from

I've very interested in getting more feedback on this project.  Any developers that wish to contribute are very welcome too.



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