On 1/18/06, Martin Pool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > There is a TODO that distccd should reject jobs if the machine's load
> > > average is too high.
> >
> > I have a patch that implements this if you want it.
> Could you resend it please?

Thing is, I'm not sure it's really useful yet.
At the moment, it rejects jobs if the system runqueue is
above the target number of jobs already picked by distccd.
This causes jobs to be rejected a bit too easily.

I should probably have a commandline parameter to set the
threshold (e.g. --reject_job_threshold=0 would reject jobs if
there were more than the target number of tasks running,
--reject_job_threshold=1 wouldn't reject until there was one
more than the target number of tasks running, etc)
but I haven't tried it yet.

I did try making the decision based on the one-minute load
average, but that did not perform well; it let overload really
rack up before the limit kicked in.

Anyway, do you want the patch even before I add that parameter?
- Dan

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