I'm trying to get distcc working between a couple of ppc macs from the command line. i'm not having any luck getting this working.
the short version is that i am getting this error
distcc[2849] (dcc_spawn_child) ERROR: attempt to use unknown compiler aborted: cc

now for my set up and the long version:
Mac OSX 10.4.5 w/ Xcode 2.2.1 installed
my environment has:
distcc, distccd, distccmon-text are installed in /usr/bin by Xcode

in Xcode i have both "Share my computer for building" and "Distribute builds to" checked on

here is the bit that make spits out before it quits:

cd libmythsamplerate && qmake libmythsamplerate.pro "PREFIX=../ Resources" "QMAKE_LFLAGS+=-Wl,-search_paths_first" "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/ local/src/mythtv/.osx-packager/build/include" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib -L/ usr/local/src/mythtv/.osx-packager/build/lib" -o Makefile
cd libmythsamplerate && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile
distcc cc -c -pipe -mcpu=7450 -mtune=7450 -mpowerpc-gfxopt -faltivec - w -O3 -I/usr/local/src/mythtv/.osx-packager/build/include -no-cpp- precomp -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -force_cpusubtype_ALL -Wno-sign- compare -DHAVE_AV_CONFIG_H -I.. -fPIC -DPIC -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 - D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE - D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local/src/mythtv/.osx-packager/ build\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/src/mythtv/.osx-packager/build/lib\" - DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DQT_SHARED - DQT_ACCESSIBILITY_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/src/mythtv/.osx-packager/src/ qt-mac-free-3.3.5/mkspecs/default -I. -I../../../../../build/include - I../../../../../build/include -I../.. -I/usr/local/src/mythtv/.osx- packager/src/qt-mac-free-3.3.5/include -o samplerate.o samplerate.c distcc[2849] (dcc_spawn_child) ERROR: attempt to use unknown compiler aborted: cc distcc[2849] (dcc_build_somewhere) Warning: failed to distribute, running locally instead distcc[2849] (dcc_spawn_child) ERROR: attempt to use unknown compiler aborted: cc
make[2]: *** [samplerate.o] Error 100
make[1]: *** [sub-libmythsamplerate] Error 2
make: *** [sub-libs] Error 2

ps aux|grep dist produces:
root 56 0.0 0.1 27680 720 ?? Ss 1:50PM 0:00.82 /usr/sbin/distnoted nobody 2911 0.0 0.1 28184 1020 ?? SNs 9:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/bin/distccd --no-detach --daemon --nice 20 nobody 2912 0.0 0.1 28184 700 ?? SN 9:40PM 0:00.02 /usr/bin/distccd --no-detach --daemon --nice 20 nobody 2913 0.0 0.0 28184 340 ?? SN 9:40PM 0:00.00 /usr/bin/distccd --no-detach --daemon --nice 20 nobody 2929 0.0 0.0 28184 340 ?? SN 9:40PM 0:00.00 /usr/bin/distccd --no-detach --daemon --nice 20 kanela 2941 0.0 0.0 27820 4 p1 R+ 9:40PM 0:00.00 grep dist

I hope this is the right place to ask. if not can some kind soul point me the way.

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