On 3/10/07, Lisa Seelye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, March 10, 2007 14:24, Ihar `Philips` Filipau wrote:
> Problem: Not all packages are correctly referring to
> host compiler by full name. Gentoo people seem to patch configuration
> systems as much as they can, but yet many packages (even if told
> implicitly to use compiler by full name) dumbly call "gcc" or "cc" or
> "g++".

This behaviour is a bug. Please report packages which don't call the fully
qualified gcc compiler name to https://bugs.gentoo.org.

 [off-topic] Will do. I have already created account on gentoo's
bugzilla. The two
latter examples of broken packages were cdrkit and boot (that was
emerge for k3b & k3d). Something also broke when emerging vlc.

 [on-topic] Anyhow, the patch (against 2.18.3, funnily enough) works. I just
tested it on my development system (after getting deeper into --wizard
stuff). When I will finish testing it on my compile-trash-can-farm
(tomorrow) I will post proper patch - with more
comments and logging built in - for tla repository. If, of course,
anybody's interested here.

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