Hi all,

Somehow my distcc only compiles at the localhost. I've tried numerous things
like, setting the DISTCC_HOST environment variable. Setting up a host file
in the DISTCC_DIR directory. Passing the hosts as an argument with make.
Nothing works, I only get it to compile on the localhost, even if I set
DISTCC_FALLBACK=0 and I remove the localhost from the host file etc, it
still compiles locally, even though it shouldn't.

My CC looks like this:

CC := distcc.exe $(CW_BINDIR)/mwccarm.exe

A rule in my makefile used for building a library looks like this:

        make -j12 -e --directory=../lib  \

Which translated in my output window to:

distcc.exe C:/Program\ Files/compiler/mwccarm.exe -lang c++ -c
./src/source.cpp -MD -o obj/ARM9-TS/Release/source.o

as said, the compiling through distcc goes right, but somehow it doesn't
recognize the other host.

On the other host I ran distccd --deamon, with the correct allow settings. I
checked firewalls. I can even telnet to the corresponding computer to port
3632, but somehow distcc won't do a thing with it.

My distcc version is 2.18.3

What do I do wrong?? Can you please mail an answer to my emailaddress and
not only to the list?

Thanks in advance!


Martijn Reuvers
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