Hi.  I'm using distcc 2.18.3 as installed by gentoo portage, on ix86
architecture.  Distcc gives a segmentation fault when it is launched,
leaving the local compiler running as a zombie process that cannot be

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/portage/sys-devel/distcc $ distcc cc
distcc[17149] (dcc_trace_version) distcc 2.18.3 i686-pc-linux-gnu; built Sep
16 2007 14:18:25
distcc[17149] (dcc_recursion_safeguard) safeguard level=0
distcc[17149] (main) compiler name is "distcc"
distcc[17149] (dcc_scan_args) scanning arguments: cc
distcc[17149] (dcc_scan_args) compiler apparently called not for compile
distcc[17149] (dcc_lock_host) got cpu lock on localhost slot 0 as fd3
distcc[17149] exec on localhost: cc
distcc[17149] (dcc_note_state) note state 5, file "(NULL)", host "localhost"
distcc[17149] (dcc_spawn_child) forking to execute: cc
distcc[17150] (dcc_increment_safeguard) setting safeguard:
distcc[17149] (dcc_spawn_child) child started as pid17150
gcc: no input files
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/portage/sys-devel/distcc $ ps -ef | grep 17150
aelber   17150     1  0 14:32 pts/3    00:00:00 [gcc]
aelber   17159 22984  0 14:32 pts/3    00:00:00 grep --colour=auto 17150

I have not been able to find any information on this by googling or checking
forums.  I've tried reinstalling distcc, etc., to no avail.  My gcc is 3.4.6.

During portage-initiated compiles, with distcc active this problem causes
the configure stage to fail at the point of checking whether cc can make

I appreciate your help in advance.
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