On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 15:35:13 +0900
"Chang hyun . Auk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> distcc[3716] (dcc_x_file) send 58935 byte file
> d:/dcctemp/distcc_1a7c4e87.c with token DOTI
> distcc[3716] (dcc_x_token_int) send DOTI0000e637
> distcc[3716] (dcc_writex) ERROR: failed to write: Software caused
> connection abort

Hello, I'll jump in here without much hope of contributing a solution,
but with a meager observation.

The last line of this series of trace prints is one that I am seeing on
a compile where a contributing host is Windows XP SP2 (cygwin of
course). I do not know why, but in my case it seems that this host
cannot ever successfully send results of its compilation back to the
client. The case above though seems to be an aborted send of
preprocessed C data to a contributing host; it seems as if the message
means 'tried to send this stream to that host but "failed to write,
software caused connection abort".' Is that correct?

I am also wondering what Windows OS the OP (ochjjy -A- gmail -D- com)
is running?

  Soren Andersen (somian)

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