
Me and my friends are trying to set up a compiling cluster over
internet ( all with ADSL 4 Mbit/256Kbit ) with distcc. The first big
problem is the timeout of connection; some people aren't connected same
time, and distcc try to senf them jobs, and it wait 5 minutes before
handling down the connection; In the man page I see that timeout isn't
coded, but in this mailing list I see many patch ( from 2003 ). Any
news about this point?

What is the best configuration set to compile over internet? We're
reached this point: distccd executed with very low priority ( nice
19 ), DISTCC_HOSTS with localhost first and then other machine, with
lzo compression enabled and {number of CPU} limit for each machine.
With 3 machines, the most powerful system loose 9 seconds and the
smallest gain 5 seconds. Do you think that these number will increased
if more machines will be added ( We want to improve time compilation,
not to loose :D )? The best -j[NUMBER] in this case is
number_of_total_cpu * 2 or something else?

Thank you

JJDaNiMoTh - ArchLinux Trusted User

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