I'm getting "CRITICAL! distcc seems to have invoked
itself recursively!" errors, after installing distcc
(2.18) packages on some machines with Debian/Etch &
Ubuntu Gutsy. (I have ccache installed also, which
seems to be working allright.) After setting up the
Debian specific config files distccd is started and
runs as 4 times separate processes (??!!) as
"/usr/bin/distccd --pid-file=/var/run/distccd.pid
--log-file=/var/log/distccd.log --daemon --allow --allow" 
This seems to be allright if I want it to listen on
all the ports. (but why the 4 separate processes?) 
I have also set up the variables as follows:
#for distcc:
 export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=40                          
 export DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost secunda granit hydra" 
 export PATH="/usr/local/distcc/bin:${PATH}"
#for ccache:
 export PATH="/usr/local/ccache/bin:${PATH}"

Then also there are the simlinks:
in /usr/local/ccache/bin:
c++ -> /usr/bin/ccache
cc -> /usr/bin/ccache
g++ -> /usr/bin/ccache
gcc -> /usr/bin/ccache

in /usr/local/distcc/bin:
c++ -> /usr/bin/distcc
cc -> /usr/bin/distcc
g++ -> /usr/bin/distcc
gcc -> /usr/bin/distcc

Did I miss something ? Extensive use of google did not
help. Could you help a bit ? 



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