On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Perez, Aaron P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>      I was looking at the online man pages this morning and wondering the
> same thing myself. When I get the time to try it out I will let you know.
> One thing that I wasn't clear on (as I only scanned over this) does pump
> mode require source (or directory structure) on all machines or are all of
> the necessary source and headers sent over to the volunteer machine?

All of the application source files and headers are sent to the volunteer
machines running the distccd servers.
System header files, however, are not sent.  By system header files I mean
those on the default search path (which is output by e.g. "gcc -x c++ -c -v
/dev/null -o /dev/null").


Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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