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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [distcc] Problems using tool chain distcc/cygwin with armcc
compiler on Windows XP
To: "Anderson Fredrik (fa)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Anderson Fredrik (fa) <

>  Hi,
> I have got into problems using tool chain distcc/cygwin with armcc
> compiler on Windows XP.
> We are using cygwin package to build, using GNU make, some SW componentson 
> Windows XP.
> We are investigating distcc to hopefully be able to decrease our build 
> timeusing distributed builds.
> Currently my investigation has got the following results:
> * Able to compile a small C++ project using distcc and g++ compiler, very
> nice.
> * Not able to compile a .cpp file using distcc and armcc compiler. As
> preprocessing makes .i files, armcc compiler complains and don't compile
> those files.
> As described in thread,
> * Tried, as suggested in above thread, to use pump mode as introduced in
> distcc 3.0. However got compilation result as attached below in cygwin.
> * Do you know about any successful setup of described tool chain,
> distcc/cygwin/armcc?
> * Any suggestions how to go further?
> Compilation result:
> *Fredrik Anderson*
> Software Designer

Hi Frederik,

I encountered the same problems with the Windriver c++ppc.exe Windows
compiler... The workaround described by Fergus was to write a wrapper of the
c++ppc.exe compiler.

Let me explain: the c++ppc.exe compiler does not understand the cygwin path,
for example: /cygdrives/c/tmp these one have to be replaced by Windows
understable paths: C:\tmp

I joined you some chunk of code you can addapt it for your wrapper
(wrapper.c) --> wc++ppc.exe

After what you have to extend your windows PATH environment Varible whith
the path where your wrapper executable is present...

 redefine your Makefile CC or CXX Macro with:

CXX="distcc wc++ppc"

This should work!

//# ifdef _WINDOWS
#include "stdafx.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include "string.h"

// this function get the string length of every argument passed to the executable
int get_sizeof_args(int argc, char* argv[])
  int argsize = 0;
  int i = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
    argsize += strlen(argv[i]);
  return argsize;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int	i = 0;
  char	*strtmp = 0;
  char	*compilercall = 0;
  const char mycompiler[] = "C:/Programme/windriver_pid_3_4/gnu/3.4.4-vxworks-6.4/x86-win32/bin/ccppc.EXE\0";
  char	*occur = 0;
  int	strtmplen = 0;  
  int	occurpos = 0;
  int   result = 0;
  int   argsize = 1; // for \0
  argsize = get_sizeof_args(argc, argv) + strlen(mycompiler);
  compilercall = (char *) malloc(argsize * sizeof(char));
  compilercall = strcpy(compilercall, mycompiler);
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      strtmplen = strlen(argv[i]);
      strtmp = (char *) malloc((strtmplen + 1) * sizeof(char));
      if (0 != (occur = strstr(argv[i], "/cygdrive/")))
	  occurpos = (int)(occur - argv[i]);
	  strtmp = strcpy(strtmp, "c:");
	  strtmp = strcat(strtmp, argv[i] + 11);
	    strtmp = strcpy(strtmp, argv[i]);
      compilercall = strcat(compilercall, " ");
      compilercall = strcat(compilercall, strtmp);
  //printf("compiler call: %s\n", compilercall);
  result = system(compilercall);
  return result;
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