Good evening, I would appreciate any feedback on the following.

Our initial patch submission for implementing GSS-API mutual authentication used an environment variable ($DISTCC_AUTH) and as such was a global option for all hosts.

We have another version where this is now a per host option along the lines of lzo or cpp (,gssapi). This enables a client to use mixed authenticating/non-authenticating build hosts, and allows for easier deployment for users as there are fewer environment variables to set up.

We also currently use DNS aliases to identify a build cluster or sub-cluster and replace its host definition with a host definition for each of its IP addresses if the host option of ,exp is specified (this is to avoid a performance cap imposed by the lockfile names and to utilise the randomisation done by DNS).

These modifications involve extending the host definition structure and the host option parser, so in this respect they're slightly more intrusive in terms of code modification. However, this approach is consistent with the existing per host comma separated options.

Would this be an acceptable solution, or can anyone foresee any issues or problems?


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