On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Robert W. Anderson <
anderson...@poptop.llnl.gov> wrote:

> Fergus Henderson wrote:
>>    distcc[1663] (dcc_pump_sendfile) ERROR: sendfile failed: Connection
>>    reset by peer
>>    distcc[1663] (dcc_writex) ERROR: failed to write: Broken pipe
>>    distcc[1663] Warning: failed to distribute source.c to
>>    host16,cpp,lzo, running locally instead
>> It looks like distccd is dropping the connection?
>> Have a look in the distccd log file (e.g. /var/log/syslog or
>> /var/log/messages on host16); there may be more information there.
> Neither of those existed so I restarted the daemon with the --log-file
> option and got:
> distccd[2895] (dcc_check_client) ERROR: connection from client '
>' denied by access list
> The plot thickens a bit.  I had been using the eth0 address in my --allow
> option, but the address I see here is related to an InfiniBand interconnect,
> according to ifconfig.  If I try allowing the address, it
> reports the same "denied" error.  If I use the full address as shown with
> the colon suffix, I get an error "can't parse internet address".
> Any ideas?

What's the distccd log output if you start distccd with --verbose?

Fergus Henderson <fer...@google.com>
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