I think it's far more likely that the environment variable isn't set than
that getenv() is not working.
Maybe one of the processes that your build runs is unsetting or resetting
TMPDIR before invoking distcc.

Using strace might be one way to debug the issue.
But I suggest looking for places in your makefile or build scripts that
reset the environment or the TMPDIR variable.
Fergus Henderson <fer...@google.com>

On Jun 1, 2009 12:00 PM, "Tom Holly" <holl...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am running distcc version 3.1 on a Sun, using all Suns as servers.
$TMPDIR: "/tmp/distcc"

I have noticed that the getenv() function for returning environmental values
is not entirely working in the distcc code.
When running from a remote machine, the getenv function fails to get the
variable's value.
For example, in tempfile.c, the $TMPDIR environmental variable is needed so
that distcc knows where to store temporary files.
If the value cannot be accessed, the default is "/tmp". I end up with a
bunch of temporary files in my $TMPDIR directory and some in /tmp.
Here's what ends up where:

distcc_ea1df635.stderr             distcc_server_stderr_842af640.txt
distcc_server_stderr_6248f63d.txt  distcc_server_stderr_d2c7f642.txt

distcc-pump.Ocai9C/                distccd_GqairN/
sh148170                                tmpzSKv_T.include_server-14837-1/

I left a debug line in tempfile.c to show when $TMPDIR was used and when it
  d = getenv("TMPDIR");

    if (!d || d[0] == '\0') {
        *p_ret = "/tmp";
        rs_log_info("Setting temporary dir. to /tmp");
        return 0;
    } else {
        *p_ret = d;
        rs_log_info("Setting temporary dir. to TMPDIR: %s", d);
        return 0;
cod is the client machine. apple, cud, kiwi, mango, and pear are all servers

distcc.log:distcc[14900] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to
TMPDIR: /tmp/distcc
cod.log:distccd[14803] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to TMPDIR:
apple.log:distccd[11980] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to /tmp
cud.log:distccd[20104] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to /tmp
kiwi.log:distccd[12287] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to /tmp
mango.log:distccd[20360] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to /tmp
pear.log:distccd[26273] (dcc_get_tmp_top): Setting temporary dir. to /tmp

I want to be able to put ALL temporary files, from distcc and distccd, in
$TMPDIR. However this getenv() issue remains to be a problem.
Help is much appreciated. Thanks!

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