Thanks for your help.

I use "netstat -tlp" command. The following is the result:

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address      Foreign Address   State
PID/Program name
tcp        0      0           *:41990                 *:*
       LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0           *:sunrpc                *:*
       LISTEN      5569/portmap
tcp        0      0           localhost:ipp           *:*
      LISTEN      13521/cupsd
tcp        0      0           *:35323                 *:*
       LISTEN      5584/rpc.statd
tcp6       0      0          [::]:distcc               [::]:*
        LISTEN      7854/distccd
tcp6       0      0          [::]:ssh                  [::]:*
        LISTEN      6264/sshd

I don't know which process is listening to the same port. What's more,
I use "killall -9 distccd" and then "distccd --log-file
/tmp/distccd.log --daemon
--allow" command. However, the server is still blocked.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks very much,

2009/8/20 Fergus Henderson <>:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:30 AM, Martin Pool <> wrote:
>> 2009/8/20 JCX <>:
>> > distccd[26706] (dcc_listen_by_addr) ERROR: bind of :::3632 failed:
>> > Address already in use
>> >
>> > I don't know why this error happens. Can you give me some suggestions?
>> Because the address is already in use. :-)
>> Use 'netstat -tlp' to see what process is listening on that port.
>> Maybe inetd is also trying to serve distcc?
> Or maybe you have another distccd server running (perhaps stopped).
> Try "killall -9 distccd".
> --
> Fergus Henderson <>
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