On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Tim Dossett <timothy.doss...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the comments.
> I'll re-baseline to the current SVN; might take a week or so since this is
> a spare time job for me.
> Since the -x option only explicitly tells gcc what the source is supposed
> to be, shouldn't distcc already support -x c, -x c++ and -x objective-c?

I think distcc has some code that makes assumptions about the language based
on the file extension.
That code would need to change in order to properly support "-x".

The reason I added code to support -x is the ada multi-language build tool
> "gprbuild" by default adds -x for all languages it supports. Haven't tried
> mixing the -x option with the wrong source type.

Maybe you could change the distcc code so that distcc supports "-x" only in
the cases where the "-x" option has no effect?
That might be easier than supporting it properly, and might be sufficient
for use with "gprbuild".

Agree that max_discrepancies_before_demotion = 10000000 (or whatever large
> number) is wrong for c/c++ and ada too, but 1 seems too strict. I think 10
> sounds more reasonable, allowing some remote compile failures without
> reverting to non-pump compiles. It would be nice to make this user
> configurable without recompiling.

I agree and I would be very happy to accept a patch along these lines.


Fergus Henderson <fer...@google.com>
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