2009/12/3 Hinz, Daniel W <daniel.h...@xerox.com>:
> So, I turned on logging and found this line after all of my compile
> invocations:
> distcc[5070] (dcc_scan_args) gcc's -x handling is complex; running locally
> Sure enough, the person who wrote the script that invokes distcc (pump mode)
> does include –x on the command line. The code base is a mixture of c and
> c++, the with the switch set appropriately.
> Are these two pieces of information related and what should I learn from it?

Yes, because of the way your makefile uses -x, this job can't be
distributed.  You can either change the script to avoid this, or
change distcc to understand it, or live with it.

> Also, I have not found a definition of ‘Blocked’ in any of the documentation
> I’ve found so far. What does that indicate?

Waiting for a place to run the job.

Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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