Hi, thanks for your reply,

> There is distcc-mon which you can poll to get some idea about where
> distcc itself is spending its time.

I know about distccmon, but it's not enough for me,

Distccmon is showing current state of ${DISTCC_DIR}/state files, and
it is always possible that few files will be compiled during delay of
getting the state - I loose information.

>From the other side I notticed, that in case of hudge objects, distcc
mon is showing compilation, then slot is released, but in the fact
distcc-server still has g++ job on it.
On distcc mon it will be shown again when it it transmited back to
client. I don't know if it is known bug or it is my host dependend.
When I will have some time I will try to prepare testcase.

> Tracking the preprocessing/compilation ratio would be interesting but
> it's not implemented at present as far as I know.

Do you have any ideas what would be the best place in the code to implement it?

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