On Feb 14, 2012 2:35 AM, "Black Sirius" <black_sir...@hotmail.de> wrote:
> ________________________________
> From: fer...@google.com
> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 12:53:09 -0500
> Subject: Re: [distcc] Problem with distcc under Suse‏
> To: black_sir...@hotmail.de
> CC: distcc@lists.samba.org
>>> >>So, I have installed distcc successfully and wan't to make a compile
test. but there is my next problem.
>>> That's my configuration:
>>> Server "distccserver"
>>> Client "linuxclient1"
>>> Server-config: /etc/distcc/hosts "linuxclient1"
>>> I start the server with: "distccd --daemon --allow ''"
>>> I set the DISTCC_VERBOSE=1
>>> Client-config: same "distccserver"
>>> Set DISTCC_HOSTS="distccserver"
>>> and start the make with: make -j8 CC=distcc (on server)
>> >That's not an _error_ message, that's a _warning_.
>> >It is probably preceded by another message from distcc explaining why.
>> >It is quite likely that you will get this warning for the final link
command -- distcc won't distributed link commands.
>> >But if distcc is distributing the compile commands that precede the
final link command, everything may be working fine.
> So that's my error during make
> distcc[29521] (dcc_select_for_write) ERROR: IO timeout
> distcc[29521] ERROR: timeout while connecting to
> distcc[29521] Warning: failed to distribute ./Modules/python.c to, running locally instead
> and thats the co ntent of my logfile:
> distccd[6173] (dcc_listen_by_addr) ERROR: bind of failed:
Address already in use

This error means that there is already a process running which is using
that port - most likely another distccd process. You could try killing the
other process first, e.g. "sudo killall distccd".

> distccd[16255] (dcc_listen_by_addr) ERROR: bind of failed:
Address already in use
> distccd[28220] (dcc_listen_by_addr) ERROR: bind of failed:
Address already in use
> But i can't fix that... What I have to do ? is that a problem with the
port or something like that ?!
> By the way, I tried to start /etc/init.d/distcc start but i only receive
the message " system unknown, please contact the distcc admin "
> Should it run or doesn't it matter?

That script hasn't been ported to SuSE Linux.
It should preferably run (port the script and send us the patch!), but
alternatively you can start distccd manually.

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