On Wed, 2012-07-18 at 15:06 +0300, Αναστασίου Γεώργιος wrote: 
> Hi,
> These days i am trying to setup distcc in order to improve compiling time
> for my desktop's gentoo installation.Right now i have 3 servers(all 3 are
> clients too),all of them use Gentoo,the first desktop is using amd athlon
> II x4 630(4 cores),the second one is athlon II x2 240(2 cores),and the last
> one is amd e-350(2 cores).This order is from the strongest to the weakest
> cpu i have in my own.
> I have done some benchmarks in order to see if it is possible athlon II x4
> 630 can be helped by the other 2 cpus,but i dont see any improvement...
> My benchmark was to count the compiling time for (emerge -e
> binutils)....and the makeopts i used was -j11(5 for localhost,3 for athlon
> ,and 2 for e350).
> Any my question is,is it possible a weaker machine to help a stronger
> machine?If yes,then how??

I use distcc with up to 3 E-350 machines at a time, and it helps
compilation speeds alot.

-Shawn Landden

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