Thomas A. F. Thorne wrote:

> Hi Anthony,
> Thank you for the offer of help, another engineer who can dedicate some
> time to the project would be greatly appreciated.  Although I have
> merged a few of the recent requests I am not a member of the disctcc
> organisation on GitHub ( so I cannot grant
> permissions to new people coming into the project
> (  I have copied the distcc mailing
> list on this response as someone there should be able to help get you
> setup.
> On 25/04/17 09:28, Anthony Bilinski wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> My name is Anthony Bilinski, and I'm a newly graduated software
>> engineer and a fan of distcc.
>> I noticed all of the latest pull request merges were done by you, but
>> that there haven't been any in a while. Would you like some help
>> managing the repo? I could offer a few hours a week to groom tickets,
>> do some reviews, merge low-impact pull requests etc.

It would be great to see the project back on the maintenance track!

There are some bug fixes pending that would be good to get in, because
they limit the usefulness of the program if used as-is (i.e. unpatched)

Especially these:

(They cause problems used with ccache...)

We're also willing to sponsor someone to work with --coverage support.
If you are interested, then let me know and I will see what I can do ?

(need to distribute .gcno, and rewrite .o)

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