
I am Vijay Tandeker working with "Tejas Networks Ltd, India".

I am following the above link.

Below are my system details:
[vijayt@vijayt-dt:~]$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal

[vijayt@vijayt-dt:~]$ distcc --version
distcc 3.3.3
  (protocols 1, 2 and 3) (default port 3632)
  built Feb 21 2020 19:22:05
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Pool.
Includes miniLZO (C) 1996-2002 by Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer.
Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Google.

distcc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  distcc is free software, and
you may use, modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 or later.

Built with Zeroconf support.

Built with GSS-API support for mutual authentication.

Please report bugs to distcc@lists.samba.org<mailto:distcc@lists.samba.org>

I am using distcc to cross compile (for ppc_85xx-gcc) my source. Some of the 
machines are running Ubuntu 18.04 and some are running Ubuntu 16.04 in LAN. But 
same cross compiler /opt/ELDK42/usr/bin/ppc_85xx-gcc is installed in the same 
location in all the machines. And distcc is passing absolute path to the server 
machines to compile the file.

I am also using "ccache" and set "CCACHE_PREFIX=distcc".

Problem statement:
If I specify individual host IPs in /home/vijayt/.distcc/hosts file, distcc 
works fine (verified with distccmon-text command). But if I only specify 
"+zeroconf" in hosts file, distcc doesn't work and full compilation happens in 
my machine (localhost) only.

I ran the command "avahi-browse -r _distcc._tcp" and below is the output. 
(detailed output is attached for our reference)
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@abhirupm                               Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@sahyadri-dt                            Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@rinshad-dt                             Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@shivakranthi                           Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@kailash                                Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@nilgiri                                Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@arjunudayakumar                        Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@vijayt-dt                              Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@abhirupm                               Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@sahyadri-dt                            Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@rinshad-dt                             Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@shivakranthi                           Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@kailash                                Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@GSN-DT                                 Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@nilgiri                                Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@arjunudayakumar                        Distributed 
Compiler local
+ enp1s0 IPv4 distcc@vijayt-dt                              Distributed 
Compiler local
+     lo IPv4 distcc@vijayt-dt                              Distributed 
Compiler local
= enp1s0 IPv6 distcc@abhirupm                               Distributed 
Compiler local

Means many machines are running distccd server with zeroconf and successfully 
discovered by the avahi-daemon also.
Don't know why my distcc client is unable to discover above machines for 
compilation? Need your help to resolve this.

Am I missing any configuration ? Let me know if you need output of any other 

Thanks & Regards,

Attachment: avahi_output
Description: avahi_output

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