On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 05:00:24PM +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> I just fixed some errors in the openSUSE packaging guidelines about
> .desktop files. Last year, I also reported an error in the example
> .desktop file used for the Fedora packaging guidelines.

Why did you change GenericName to Comment?  GenericName is activly
used, at least in KDE its the prominantly displayed in the menu.  A
tooltip seems far less important.

> Since I'm more or less maintaining the spec about .desktop files, I'm
> willing to review guidelines of other distros related to this to be sure
> they're all fine :-) Just tell me where I can find the relevant document
> for your distro.
> It might also make sense to have links to all the distros guidelines on
> a wiki page, so similar checks can easily be made in the future.

Ubuntu's notes are here


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