On 11336 March 1977, Donnie Berkholz wrote:

> 17:15 < dberkholz> info #distributions
> 17:15 -ChanServ([EMAIL PROTECTED])-      Channel: #Distributions
> 17:15 -ChanServ([EMAIL PROTECTED])-      Contact: Aristotles
> 17:15 -ChanServ([EMAIL PROTECTED])-   Registered: 1 year 25 weeks 1 day (23h 
>           54m 25s) ago
> 17:15 -ChanServ([EMAIL PROTECTED])-    Last Used: 1 year 25 weeks 1 day (23h 
>           54m 25s) ago
> 17:15 -ChanServ([EMAIL PROTECTED])-    Mode Lock: -s+ntc
> So if we want #distributions, we can probably have it.

No. as its a # channel it would need a group contact and stuff.
(Speaking as freenode staff member)
You would need ##distributions.

So I also vote for irc.oftc.net AKA irc.debian.org. (It also supports
proper SSL connections and nickserv identify using ssl certs, ... :) )
(Speaking as oftc staff) :)

bye, Joerg
You're in good shape for being a Debian, with a SAP background
... anything has to look good from there...

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