also sprach Rahul Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.09.19.2311 +0200]:
> I have been maintaining a document for encouraging Fedora package 
> maintainers to upstream their patches and publishing reasons for doing 
> so at

I like it! I'd add one tip: talk to upstream and figure out how they
want patches to be submitted.

> I have been thinking of putting up a more generic variant of it in
> the distribution wiki and pointing to that instead.

I've linked it from (which is starting to need
a breaking down into subsections) and would be happy to have it
there, since it is a packaging topic, and vcs-pkg is more about
packaging while distributions@ was more intended for higher-level
stuff. Let me know if you agree and/or need help.

martin | |
"the most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
 new discoveries, is not 'eureka!' but 'that's funny...'"
                                                     -- isaac asimov
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